Friday, August 10, 2007

New stuffs

Yeah, yeah, I suck at posting. Well, here's a little something to tide you over. What is it, you say? Cable Spaghetti? Why yes it is. This particular cable spaghetti mixes four channels of audio into one, thus bypassing the grey mixer you see in the background. When I get the other four channels done, I'll be able to do away with the grey mixer altogether and there will finally be world peace. Sorry it took so long.


Feed said...

Alas, you're too late. Nobody even WANTS world peace anymore. Although 86% of everyone does want spaghetti.

Anonymous said...

85.9%, to be exact. Which four channels do you mix to get world peace? What if you mix in the wrong channel? Do you get world pieces?

poser p said...

Well, you mix green and yellow mostly. Sometimes some red. If the world falls to pieces then we just mix it all back together -- hence why we now will have world peace ('cause I built the mixer...).

Anonymous said...

Oh, recycling. Good move.