A LOT of yogurtland....well until they got rid of red velvet cupcake batter.
A super cute Ping cat
and a super fluffy Jay
While Andrew was helping someone move he saw this adorable cat.
Andrew and I spent a good portion of yesterday priming our soil for planting, cleaning up the backyard, planting our veggies in peet pots to get them started and exploring just how much damage we had done to those poor worms in the wormery.
Last year I posted about how we started a wormery for our leftover table scrapes and such. Well it didn't take long before we completely ignored them. I figured they had all died but Andrew took a look inside (2-3 months ago) the bin and found lots of worms that had survived the winter and our lack of attention. So we finally got around to cleaning out the bin. We then added a new coconut brick (for their bedding) and tried to transfer as many worms as we could find back into the bin. I think we will have to get another batch because there weren't too many left....so that's about it!